Change Management

Change Management, or D+V+F+R=C (Disatisfaction+Vision+First-Steps+Resources=Change) 

Given the range of often conflicting interests in high streets and town centres a foundation in organisational development or 'change management' is essential. We have boiled the complexities of change down to this useful 'formula'. 

Accordingly, often our work centres on:

1. understanding, engaging and even promoting people’s dissatisfaction with the status quo

2. helping all stakeholders settle upon an agreed vision of the future that is sustainable financially and environmentally

3. completing action plans that articulate medium and short term aims including some first steps that enable early wins and generate enthusiasm

4. ensuring resources are available through BIDs, grants or developer contributions

These lessons were drawn from organisational development training in the US with leaders in this specialist field (Dannemiller Tyson) - the following core beliefs and values underlie our approach: 

In addition to the above principles we are experienced process consultants and rely on robust and proven models to help us take clients through a process that entails strategy, structure, relationships, resources and communications. Click on the following diagram developed by Dannemiller Tyson which we adapt for the purposes of organising the strategic and organisational development in a major town centre or high street initiative.