Southmead Urban Densification

TownCentred were invited by Southmead Development Trust to advise on new planters. By the end of that initial meeting the seeds had been sown for a major development that would both increase significantly homes for local people and provide a much needed boost in terms of local economic demand to the high street, culminating in a successful grant application to Power to Change and appointment of planning and architectural consultants to take the entire project successfully through planning whilst remaining in control of the local residents.

Our process in particular relied on examples both real and envisioned in UK, European and US cities showing the positive impacts of new development in terms of:

1.Improved Town Centre

2.Low cost housing, living and carbon and potentially freeing up family homes occupied by elderly couples of singles (as unable to move within the locality for lack of option)

3.Improve health,  transport and economy

4.Provide for long term unemployed

6.   Save countryside and greenbelt

These ideas were supplmented by various images such as the following from the Insitute of Transport Engineers in the US: