Campaign for Regeneration Professionals to Influence Major City Making Decision - Swansea University
Post date: Jul 29, 2012 12:47:56 PM
As regeneration professionals we are often confounded by major physical development decisions that are not regenerative. Given we occasionally see groups of eminent professionals* writing open letters - eg economists to Prime Ministers - I wondered if we as regeneration professionals could do something similar?
I am loosing sleep over the preferred location of Swansea University to build a 4000 student out of town campus rather than go with an excellent city centre fringe site they have been presented with. The loss of economic and social benefits for a city that is already performing atrociously will be astronomical in my view. I tested the university in-town v. out-of-town issue on this Group two months ago and found 100% of respondents favouring in-town (see
The attachment below is the letter sent on 12th September to the University Council, City Council, Welsh Assembly Government and local MPs.