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TOWNCENTRED - regeneration and revitalisation of town centres and high streets
Lawrence Hill
Our Work
Bedminster Town Team and Business Improvement District
Camden Town BID
Clevedon BID
Fresh & Wild (now Whole Foods), London
Gloucester Road BID
Paddington BID
Paddington Waterside Developer Partnership
Paddington Waterside Partnership
Patchway, Bristol - Town Centre 'Retrofit'
Southmead Urban Densification
Yeovil Urban Village
Bristol Vacant Shop Grant Scheme
Nailsea BID Feasibility
South Gloucestershire High Street Catalyst
Lawrence Hill
Who we are
What we do
A-Z of Ideas for High Streets and Town Centres
A-Z of Ideas for High Streets and Town Centres (Part II - or N-Z)
Campaign for Regeneration Professionals to Influence Major City Making Decision - Swansea University
Campaign for Twenty Town Teams in Bristol
Clusters – Low to Lowest Cost Solutions for the High Street
Collaboration and Cooperation for High Streets and Town Centres
Creative Industries as Anchors for High Streets - Hamilton House, Bristol
Creative Industry Buildings as Anchors for High Streets - The Tobacco Factory, Bristol
Densification and Walkability - the solution to nearly everything...
Empty Shops and Negligent or Absent Landlords
Ethnic Diversity and High Street Regeneration
Facing Facts
Fayres and Festivals – Effective (and fun) Strategies for Failing High Streets and Town Centres
Future of High Streets and Town Centres
Gurus – Big Thinkers on the High Street
high(er) streets | sustainable city
Meanwhile and Temporary Uses
Residential Development - ie More People to Turnaround Town Centres
Senior Living
Tangible Turnarounds - Marylebone Village, London
Tangible Turnarounds - The Vancouver 'Miracle' and Leveraging Developer Profit
Trends - Identifying and Understanding What will Impact the High Street
US Approaches to Town and City Centre Malaise
Business Improvement Districts (BIDs)
Change Management
Collaboration Agreements
Community Land Transfers and Social Enterprise
Community Shares, Energy and Direct Public Offerings
Cost Saving Collaborations
Developers and Landowners
Funding and Delivery
Large Group Visioning (Open Space Technology)
Local Authorities and Public Sector Agencies
Neighbourhood Partnerships, New Homes Bonus and s106
Public Private Partnerships (PPPs, ie JVs, LABVs etc)
Regeneration Strategy
Residents (ie communities)
Shops and Offices
Town Centre Management
Town Teams
Voluntary Developer Partnerships
Why bother?
Contact us
TOWNCENTRED - regeneration and revitalisation of town centres and high streets
Lawrence Hill
Our Work
Bedminster Town Team and Business Improvement District
Camden Town BID
Clevedon BID
Fresh & Wild (now Whole Foods), London
Gloucester Road BID
Paddington BID
Paddington Waterside Developer Partnership
Paddington Waterside Partnership
Patchway, Bristol - Town Centre 'Retrofit'
Southmead Urban Densification
Yeovil Urban Village
Bristol Vacant Shop Grant Scheme
Nailsea BID Feasibility
South Gloucestershire High Street Catalyst
Lawrence Hill
Who we are
What we do
A-Z of Ideas for High Streets and Town Centres
A-Z of Ideas for High Streets and Town Centres (Part II - or N-Z)
Campaign for Regeneration Professionals to Influence Major City Making Decision - Swansea University
Campaign for Twenty Town Teams in Bristol
Clusters – Low to Lowest Cost Solutions for the High Street
Collaboration and Cooperation for High Streets and Town Centres
Creative Industries as Anchors for High Streets - Hamilton House, Bristol
Creative Industry Buildings as Anchors for High Streets - The Tobacco Factory, Bristol
Densification and Walkability - the solution to nearly everything...
Empty Shops and Negligent or Absent Landlords
Ethnic Diversity and High Street Regeneration
Facing Facts
Fayres and Festivals – Effective (and fun) Strategies for Failing High Streets and Town Centres
Future of High Streets and Town Centres
Gurus – Big Thinkers on the High Street
high(er) streets | sustainable city
Meanwhile and Temporary Uses
Residential Development - ie More People to Turnaround Town Centres
Senior Living
Tangible Turnarounds - Marylebone Village, London
Tangible Turnarounds - The Vancouver 'Miracle' and Leveraging Developer Profit
Trends - Identifying and Understanding What will Impact the High Street
US Approaches to Town and City Centre Malaise
Business Improvement Districts (BIDs)
Change Management
Collaboration Agreements
Community Land Transfers and Social Enterprise
Community Shares, Energy and Direct Public Offerings
Cost Saving Collaborations
Developers and Landowners
Funding and Delivery
Large Group Visioning (Open Space Technology)
Local Authorities and Public Sector Agencies
Neighbourhood Partnerships, New Homes Bonus and s106
Public Private Partnerships (PPPs, ie JVs, LABVs etc)
Regeneration Strategy
Residents (ie communities)
Shops and Offices
Town Centre Management
Town Teams
Voluntary Developer Partnerships
Why bother?
Contact us
Lawrence Hill
Our Work
Bedminster Town Team and Business Improvement District
Camden Town BID
Clevedon BID
Fresh & Wild (now Whole Foods), London
Gloucester Road BID
Paddington BID
Paddington Waterside Developer Partnership
Paddington Waterside Partnership
Patchway, Bristol - Town Centre 'Retrofit'
Southmead Urban Densification
Yeovil Urban Village
Bristol Vacant Shop Grant Scheme
Nailsea BID Feasibility
South Gloucestershire High Street Catalyst
Lawrence Hill
Who we are
What we do
A-Z of Ideas for High Streets and Town Centres
A-Z of Ideas for High Streets and Town Centres (Part II - or N-Z)
Campaign for Regeneration Professionals to Influence Major City Making Decision - Swansea University
Campaign for Twenty Town Teams in Bristol
Clusters – Low to Lowest Cost Solutions for the High Street
Collaboration and Cooperation for High Streets and Town Centres
Creative Industries as Anchors for High Streets - Hamilton House, Bristol
Creative Industry Buildings as Anchors for High Streets - The Tobacco Factory, Bristol
Densification and Walkability - the solution to nearly everything...
Empty Shops and Negligent or Absent Landlords
Ethnic Diversity and High Street Regeneration
Facing Facts
Fayres and Festivals – Effective (and fun) Strategies for Failing High Streets and Town Centres
Future of High Streets and Town Centres
Gurus – Big Thinkers on the High Street
high(er) streets | sustainable city
Meanwhile and Temporary Uses
Residential Development - ie More People to Turnaround Town Centres
Senior Living
Tangible Turnarounds - Marylebone Village, London
Tangible Turnarounds - The Vancouver 'Miracle' and Leveraging Developer Profit
Trends - Identifying and Understanding What will Impact the High Street
US Approaches to Town and City Centre Malaise
Business Improvement Districts (BIDs)
Change Management
Collaboration Agreements
Community Land Transfers and Social Enterprise
Community Shares, Energy and Direct Public Offerings
Cost Saving Collaborations
Developers and Landowners
Funding and Delivery
Large Group Visioning (Open Space Technology)
Local Authorities and Public Sector Agencies
Neighbourhood Partnerships, New Homes Bonus and s106
Public Private Partnerships (PPPs, ie JVs, LABVs etc)
Regeneration Strategy
Residents (ie communities)
Shops and Offices
Town Centre Management
Town Teams
Voluntary Developer Partnerships
Why bother?
Contact us
Local Authorities and Public Sector Agencies
Report abuse
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