Town Centre Management
Town Centre Management
The lead body for TCM is the Association for Town Centre Management where we sit on the Advisory Board. TCM is defined as a co-ordinated pro-active initiative designed to ensure that our town and city centres are desirable and attractive places via public private partnerships.
Some 600 towns and cities in the UK that have some form of management initiative. As locally developed initiatives working across centres of different scale, they are naturally varied in terms of their remit and activities. What they have in common is their effectiveness in promoting the vitality and viability of a centre and maintaining its key role as the heart of its community.
What makes the concept of town and city management so effective is that it also plays a key role in delivering the strategic objectives. Detailed Action Plans identify how the strategy is to be delivered and the partnership acts as the driving force in ensuring that delivery takes place. The combination of vision, strategy and action plan, the wide-ranging partnerships and the effective support and involvement of key interests through working and project groups means that town and city centre management can address a wide range of issues from creating the right environment in terms of amenity to transport, marketing, inward investment, tourism, residential development, the night-time economy, public art, etc.
The challenge for in the past for TCM has been funding however to a certain extent BIDs have stepped into the breach.